Published Papers

  • Lysaker PH & Lysaker JT (2001). Psychosis and the disintegration of dialogical self-structure: Problems posed by schizophrenia for the maintenance of dialogue. British Journal of Medical Psychology, 74, 23-33
  • Lysaker PH & Lysaker JT (2002). Narrative Structure in Psychosis: Schizophrenia and Disruptions in the Dialogical Self. Theory and Psychology, 12, 207-220.
  • Lysaker PH, Carcione A, Dimaggio G, Johannesen JK, Nicolò G, Procacci M, & Semerari A. (2005). Metacognition amidst narratives of self and illness in schizophrenia: Associations with insight, neurocognition, symptom and function. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica. 112, 64-71.
  • Roe D, Yanos PT & Lysaker PH (2006). Coping with psychosis: An integrative developmental framework. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease. 194: 917-924
  • Lysaker PH, Davis LW & Hunter NL (2007). Effects of cognitive behavioral therapy and vocational rehabilitation on metacognition and coping in schizophrenia. Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy. 37, 115-115
  • Dimaggio G, Procacci M, Nicolò G, Popolo R, Semerari A, Carcione A & Lysaker, PH. (2007). Poor metacognition in Narcissistic and Avoidant Personality Disorders: four psychotherapy patients analyzed using the Metacognition Assessment Scale. Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy. 14, 386-401.
  • Lysaker PH, Dimaggio G, Buck KD, Carcione, A & Nicolò G. (2007). Metacognition within narratives of schizophrenia: Associations with multiple domains of neurocognition. Schizophrenia Research. 93, 278-287.
  • Lysaker PH, Buck KD, Taylor AC & Roe D. (2008). Associations of metacognition, self stigma and insight with qualities of self experience in schizophrenia. Psychiatry Research 157, 31-38.
  • Lysaker, PH, Warman DM, Dimaggio G, Procacci M, LaRocco V, Clark LK, Dike C, Nicolò G (2008). Metacognition in prolonged schizophrenia: Associations with multiple assessments of executive function. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease 196, 384-389.
  • Roe D, Hasson-Ohayon I, Kravetz, S, Yanos, PT & Lysaker PH (2008). Call it a Monster for Lack of Anything Else: Narrative Insight in Psychosis. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease. 196, 859-865.
  • Lysaker PH, Yanos PT & Roe D. (2009). The role of insight in the process of recovery from schizophrenia: A review of three views. Psychosis 1(2), 103-112.
  • Lysaker PH, & Buck KD (2009). Metacognition in schizophrenia spectrum disorders: Methods of assessing metacognition within narrative and links with neurocognition. Italian Journal of Psychopathology, 15(1), 2-12.
  • Dimaggio G, Herman HJM & Lysaker PH. (2010). Health and adaptation in a multiple self: The role of absence of dialogue and poor metacognition in clinical populations. Theory and Psychology. 20 (3): 379–399.
  • Lysaker, PH, Dimaggio, G, Daroyanni, P, Buck, KD, LaRocco VA, Carcione, A & Nicolò, G. (2010). Assessing metacognition in schizophrenia with the Metacognition Assessment Scale: Associations with the Social Cognition and Object Relations Scale. Psychology and Psychotherapy. 83(Pt 3), 303-315.
  • Lysaker PH, Dimaggio G, Carcione A, Procacci M, Buck KD, Davis LW & Nicolo G. (2010). Metacognition and Schizophrenia: The capacity for self- reflectivity as a predictor for prospective assessments of work performance over six months. Schizophrenia Research. 122(1-3), 124-130.
  • Lysaker PH, Shea AM, Buck KD, Dimaggio, G, Nicolò G, Procacci M, Salvatore G, & Rand KL (2010) Metacognition as a mediator of the effects of impairments in neurocognition on social function in schizophrenia spectrum disorders. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica 122(5), 405-413.
  • Lysaker PH, Erickson MA, Buck KD, Procacci M, Nicolò G & Dimaggio G. (2010). Metacognition in schizophrenia spectrum disorders: Methods of assessment and associations with neurocognition and function. European Journal of Psychiatry. 24(4): 220-226.
  • Lysaker PH & Gumley A. (2010) Psychotherapeutic and relational processes and the development of metacognitive capacity following five years of individual psychotherapy: A case study of a man with psychotic symptoms. Psychosis. 2(1), 70-78.
  • Martin JM, Warman DM & Lysaker PH (2010). Cognitive insight in non-psychiatric individuals and individuals with psychosis: An examination using the Beck Cognitive Insight Scale. Schizophrenia Research 121(1-3), 39-45
  • Kurian SM, Le-Niculescu H, Patel SD, Bertram D, Davis J, Dike C, Yehyawi N, Lysaker P, Dustin J, Caligiuri M, Lohr J, Lahiri DK, Nurnberger JI Jr, Faraone SV, Geyer MA, Tsuang MT, Schork NJ, Salomon DR, Niculescu AB. (2011). Identification of blood biomarkers for psychosis using convergent functional genomics. Molecular Psychiatry, 16 (1), 37-58
  • Lysaker PH & Lysaker JT. (2011). Psychotherapy and Recovery from Schizophrenia: A model of treatment as informed by a dialogical model of the self experience in psychosis. Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy. 41 (3), 125-133.
  • Lysaker PH, Olesek K, Warman DM, Martin J, Salzman AK, Nicolò G, Salvatore G, & Dimaggio G. (2011). Metacognition in schizophrenia: correlates and stability of deficits in theory of mind and self-reflectivity. Psychiatry Research. 190(1):18-22
  • Lysaker PH, Erickson MA, Buck B, Buck KD, Olesek K, Grant MLA, Salvatore G, Popolo R, & Dimaggio G. (2011). Metacognition and social function in schizophrenia: Associations over a period of five months. Cognitive Neuropsychiatry. 16(3), 241-55
  • Lysaker PH, Dimaggio G, Buck KD, Callaway SS, Salvatore G, Carcione A, Nicolò G & Stanghellini G. (2011). Poor insight in schizophrenia: Links between different forms of metacognition with awareness of symptoms, treatment need and consequences of illness. Comprehensive Psychiatry. 52(3) 253-260.
  • Lysaker PH, Erickson MA, Ringer J, Buck KD, Semerari A, Caricione A, & Dimaggio G. (2011). Metacognition in schizophrenia: the relationship of mastery to coping, insight, self-esteem, social anxiety and various facets of neurocognition. British Journal of Clinical Psychology. 50(4), 412- 424.
  • Davis LW, Eicher AC, & Lysaker PH. (2011). Metacognition as a predictor of therapeutic alliance over 26 weeks of psychotherapy in schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Research, 129(1): 85-90
  • Lysaker PH, McCormick BP, Snethen G, Buck KD, Hamm JA, Grant MLA, Nicolò G & Dimaggio G. (2011). Metacognition and social function in schizophrenia: Associations of mastery with functional skills competence. Schizophrenia Research, 131(1-3):214-218
  • Brüne M, Dimaggio G & Lysaker PH. (2011). Metacognition and social functioning in schizophrenia: Evidence, mechanisms of influence and treatment implications. Current Psychiatry Reviews. 7 (3), 239-247
  • Salvatore G, Lysaker PH, Gumley A, Popolo R, Procacci M, Mari J & Dimaggio G (2012). Out of illness experience: metacognition-oriented therapy for promoting self-awareness in individuals with psychosis. American Journal of Psychotherapy, 66(1), 85-106.
  • Outcalt SD & Lysaker PH. (2012). The relationships between trauma history, trait anger, and stigma in persons diagnosed with schizophrenia spectrum disorders. Psychosis, 4(1): 32-41
  • Mitchell LJ, Gumley AI, Reilly ES, Macbeth A, Lysaker PH, Carcione A & Dimaggio G. (2012). Metacognition in Forensic patients with schizophrenia and a past history of interpersonal violence: An exploratory study. Psychosis. 4: 42-51.
  • Buck KD, Warman DM, Huddy V & Lysaker PH. (2012). The relationship of metacognition with jumping to conclusions among persons with schizophrenia spectrum disorders. Psychopathology 45(5):271-5.
  • Salvatore G, Lysaker PH, Gumley A, Popolo R, Procacci M, Mari J & Dimaggio G (2012). Out of illness experience: metacognition-oriented therapy for promoting self-awareness in individuals with psychosis. American Journal of Psychotherapy, 66(1), 85-106.
  • Mitchell LJ, Gumley AI, Reilly ES, Macbeth A, Lysaker PH, Carcione A & Dimaggio G. (2012). Metacognition in Forensic patients with schizophrenia and a past history of interpersonal violence: An exploratory study. Psychosis. 4: 42-51.
  • Hamm JA, Renard SB, Fogley RL, Leonhardt BL, Dimaggio G, Buck KD & Lysaker PH. (2012) Metacognition and social cognition in schizophrenia: Stability and relationship to concurrent and prospective symptom assessments. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 68(12):1303-12.
  • Nicolò G, Dimaggio G, Popolo R, Procacci M, Hamm J, Buck KD, Pompili E, Buccione I, Lagrotteria B & Lysaker PH. (2012). Associations of metacognition with symptoms, insight and neurocognition in schizophrenia in clinically stable outpatients with schizophrenia. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disorders, 200(7), 644–647.
  • Lysaker PH, Erickson M, Buck KD & Dimaggio G. (2012). Les rapports entre métacognition, cognition et fonctionnement dans la schizophrénie: données issues de l’étude de récits personnels. L’Information psychiatrique,88(4): 267-278
  • Tas C, Brown EC, Esen-Danaci A, Lysaker PH & Brüne, M (2012). Intrinsic motivation and metacognition as predictors of learning potential in patients with remitted schizophrenia. Journal of Psychiatric Research. 46(8):1086-92
  • Lysaker PH, Vohs JL, Ballard R, Fogley R, Salvatore G, Popolo R & Dimaggio G. (2013). Metacognition, self reflection and recovery in schizophrenia: Review of the literature. Future Neurology 8(1): 103-115.
  • Lysaker PH, Leonhardt BL, Pijnenborg M, van Donkersgoed R, de Jong S & Dimaggio G. (In press). Metacognition in schizophrenia spectrum disorders: Methods of assessment and associations with neurocognition, cognitive style and function. Israeli Journal of Psychiatry
  • Lysaker PH, Gumley A, Luedtke B, Buck KD, Ringer JM, Olesek K, Kukla M, Leonhardt BL, Popolo R, & Dimaggio G. (2013). Social cognition and metacognition in schizophrenia: Evidence of their independence and linkage with outcomes. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica 127(3), 239-247.
  • Lysaker PH, Vohs J, Hasson Ohayon I, Kukla M, Wierwille J & Dimaggio G. (2013). Depression and insight in schizophrenia: Comparisons of levels of deficits in social cognition and metacognition and internalized stigma across three profiles. Schizophrenia Research. 148(1-3):18-23.
  • Lysaker PH, Bob P, Pec O, Hamm J, Kukla M, Vohs J, Popolo R, Salvatore G & Dimaggio G. (2013). Metacognition as a link which connects brain to behavior in schizophrenia. Translational Neuroscience. 4(3): 368-377.
  • Jansen JE, Lysaker PH, Harder S, Haahr U, Lyse HG, Pedersen MB, Trauelsen AM, & Simonsen E. (In press). Predictions of positive and negative experiences of caregiving in adults with first-episode psychosis: Emotional overinvolvement, wellbeing and metacognition. Psychology and Psychotherapy.
  • Ottavi P, D'Alia D, Lysaker PH, Kent JS, Popolo R, Salvatore G & Dimaggio G. (In press). Metacognition-Oriented social skills training for individuals with long-term schizophrenia: Methodology and clinical illustration. Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy.
  • Buck KD, Roe D, Yanos PT, Buck BE, Folgey RL, Grant MLA, Lubin F & Lysaker PH. (2013). Challenges to assisting with the recovery of personal identity and wellness for persons with serious mental illness: Considerations for mental health professionals. Psychosis 5(2) 127-133
  • Jansen JE, Lysaker PH, Harder S, Haahr U, Lyse HG, Pedersen MB, Trauelsen AM, & Simonsen E. (In press). Predictions of positive and negative experiences of caregiving in adults with first-episode psychosis: Emotional overinvolvement, wellbeing and metacognition. Psychology and Psychotherapy.
  • Leonhardt, BL, Hamm JA, Fogley RL, Buck KD, Roe D & Lysaker PH. (In press). Allowing for psychosis to be approachable and understandable as a human experience: A role for the humanities in psychotherapy supervision. American Journal of Psychotherapy
  • Mishara AL, Lysaker PH & Schwartz MA. (2014). Self-disturbances in schizophrenia: History, phenomenology and relevant findings from research on metacognition. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 40, 5-12.
  • Vohs, J.L., Lysaker, P.H., Francis, M., Hamm, J., Buck, K.D., Olesek, K., Outcalt, J., Dimaggio, G., Leonhardt , B., Liffick, E., Mehdiyoun, N., & Breier, A. (2014). Metacognition, social cognition, and symptoms in patients with first episode and prolonged psychosis. Schizophrenia Research, 153, 54-59.
  • van Donkersgoed RJM, S de Jong S, van der Gaag M, Aleman A, Lysaker PH, L Wunderink L, Pijnenborg GHM. (2014). A manual-based individual therapy to improve metacognition in schizophrenia: protocol of a multi-center RCT. BMC Psychiatry 14(1), 27

Edited Books

  • Dimaggio G & Lysaker PH (2010). Metacognition and severe adult mental disorders: From basic research to treatment. London: Bruner Routledge
  • Popolo R, Salvatore G & Lysaker PH (2012). Schizofrenia e terapia cognitiva; psicopatologia, metacognizione e trattamento. Rome: Alpes Italia srl
  • Lysaker PH, Dimaggio G & Brüne M (In preparation). Metacognition and Social Cognition in Schizophrenia. Elsevier Press

Invited Commentaries

  • Lecomte T, Gumley A & Lysaker PH (2012). Introduction to the special issue on psychosis and personality disorder. Psychosis 4(1) 1-5.

Papers Submitted For Publication

  • Bourdeau G, Lecomte T & Lysaker PH. Stages of recovery in early psychosis: associations with symptoms, function and narrative development. Psychology and Psychotherapy
  • Lysaker PH, Leonhardt BL, Brüne, M, James A, Buck, KD, Ringer JM, Vohs J, Francis M, Hamm J, Salvatore G & Dimaggio G. Capacities for metacognition, Theory of Mind and neurocognitive function as independently related to for performance on a test of emotional recognition in schizophrenia. Psychiatry Research.
  • Buck KD, McLeod HJ, Gumley A, Dimaggio G, Buck BE, Minor K, James AV & Lysaker PH. Anhedonia in groups with and without depression in schizophrenia: Associations with deficits in social cognition and metacognition. Consciousness and Cognition
  • Hamm J & Lysaker PH. Psychoanalytic accounts of the phenomenology of schizophrenia: Synthetic metacognition as a construct for guiding investigation. Psychodynamic Psychiatry.
  • Lysaker PH, Erickson MA, Olesek K, Grant MLA, Ringer J, Buck KD, Salvatore G, Popolo R & Dimaggio G (2011). The association of metacognition with neurocognition and function in schizophrenia: Advances from the study of personal narratives. In: Handbook of Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders, Volume II: Phenotypic and Endophenotypic Presentations. Ritsner MS Ed. NY NY Springer. pp 351-366.

Book Chapters

  • Lysaker PH, Buck KD, Leonhardt B, Buck BE, Hamm J, Hasson-Ohayon I, & Dimaggio G. (In press). Metcognitively focused psychotherapy for persons with schizophrenia: Eight core elements that define practice. In Social Cognition and Metacognition in Schizophrenia. Lysaker PH. Dimaggio G & Brüne, M (Eds.). NY Elsevier Press
  • Lysaker PH, Hillis J, Leonhardt B, Kukla M, Buck KD. (In press). Metacognition in schiozphrenia spectrum disorders: Methods of assessment and assoications with psychosocial function, neurocognition, sypmtoms and cognitive style. In Social Cognition and Metacognition in Schizophrenia. Lysaker PH. Dimaggio G & Brüne, M (Eds.). NY Elsevier Press
  • Lysaker PH & Bell MD (1998). Impairments in insight in schizophrenia: Advancements from psychosocial treatment research. In: Insight and Psychosis. Amador, XF & David, AS Eds. Oxford University Press. pp 305-315.
  • Lysaker PH & Bell MD (2003). Impairments in insight in schizophrenia: Advancements from psychosocial treatment research. In: Insight and Psychosis. Amador, XF & David, AS Eds. Oxford University Press. pp 335-350.
  • Roe D & Lysaker PH (2011). The importance of personal narrative in recovery from psychosis. In: Experiencing psychosis: Personal and professional perspectives. Geekie J, Randal P, Lampshire D & Read R Ed. NY NY: Routledge. pp 5-14
  • Hardin S & Lysaker PH (2013). Narrative coherence and recovery of self experience integrative psychotherapy. In Psychosis and Emotion The role of emotions in understanding psychosis, therapy and emotion Gumley A, Gilham A, Taylor K & Schwannauer M (Eds.). Routledge: London. Pp 56-67.

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