MERIT Institute Updates
Since Paul Lysaker's passing last year, the Board of Directors and members of the MERIT Institute have been working to formalize its operation and enable its continued growth.
We have decided to re-organize the MERIT Institute as a non-profit 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization. This will allow us to receive tax-deductible donations as well as access other benefits available to non-profits. The application process is underway though it will be several months until we receive a final determination letter.
The Board also recently adopted a set of bylaws. Our 2024 officers will be Bethany Leonhardt (President), Jay Hamm (Vice President), Courtney Wiesepape (Secretary), and Reid Klion (Treasurer). Illanit Hasson-Ohayon and Simone Cheli will continue to serve as Directors. Elections will be held at the end of the year when Members will elect two Directors to fill the roles vacated by Reid and Simone who will rotate off the board, and the Directors will then elect new Officers.
We will share more information about membership, elections, and other exciting training updates in the near future.
If you aren't already receiving emails from us and would like to, please let us know.